Friday, August 14, 2009

Judgement is in

Basically in a nutshell we just spent $7000+ for an attorney for her to get less than $300 more a month.

- Child support will increase $145 a month

- We will pay 70% of dance expenses totally about $150 a month for us

- We do owe $50 a month until "arrearage" is paid back.

- Visitation travel expenses is still 50/50.

- We have spring break, fall or Christmas break depending on year and 5 weeks in the summer. (She wanted us to only have 4.)

- We still have joint custody.

All in all... I'm relieved and pissed at the same time. I'm relieved we don't have to pay all of dance and all visitation. But I am pissed we're paying any dance. She adds more dance expenses every year without talking to us about it. And now one of the twins is talking about taking gymnastics. We are NOT paying for a girl who took 4 years to learn a cartwheel to take gymnastics when I actually have a daughter with real talent that was competing and had to quit because... WE COULDN'T AFFORD IT. That's not fair.

Whatever. I'll write more later when it's not all so new.

Thank you SOOOO much for your support.


  1. Relief and anger. Pretty much says it all! You are doing a great job with your kids--one day it will all be behind you. Don't murder anyone until then!! :)

  2. I'm so sorry Tori. I guess it could have been worse but just doesn't seen fair.
    Martha... Ala. Grandmother
