Saturday, June 20, 2009

Still waiting....

We went to court and the judge wasn't ready to make a decision yet. He wants to review everything again.

Our lawyer feels that the judge WILL NOT change custody because he wouldn't even discuss it.

He also feels that the judge will keep the visitation 50/50.

Most likely child support WILL increase, which we are expecting, and most likely it WILL be retroactive putting us over $1000 behind.

Our lawyer wasn't sure what the judge was thinking/feeling about the dance expenses...

We have been very blessed this week. Someone anonymously left an envelope with my name written on it on our porch. Inside was TEN $100 bills. Yes. $1000. I have no idea who did it, but THANK YOU so much. So, so much. VERY few people in our area know what's going on, so I have no idea where that money came from.

Another friend handed my husband $500 today. He said he felt he was suppose to withdraw the money from the ATM and didn't know why. Then he gave it to my husband.

Words CANNOT express how humbled and blessed we feel. THANK YOU.


  1. Can I add my appreciation for those helping you? I will pray that the judge listens to reason and puts the dance back on her. There are cheaper ways to get your children into cultural activities.

    I'll be sure to thank the Lord for his hand in your blessings too. He is answering our prayers.

    Love you.

  2. Thanks so much y'all. :)She, most definitely IS a b!tch.

  3. The Lord is obviously looking out for you, so keep trusting in Him that things will work out.

  4. I am a divorced father who has also remarried, Funny thing is I used to be a P.O. Also. I feel your pains. My ex kept both my kids from me on fathers day. The one day I actually get to celebrate. Her friends leave rude messages on my moms blog about Me and my parents. There has got to be laws passd about this. I try to be a good father but no matter how much you do it seems like it's just not enough, When are the courts going to relize not all divorced dads are dead beats.
    You Both our in My prayers.
    Jon (from utah)

  5. Thanks so much for your comment Jon. It's totally true isn't it? It's like the courts punish the dads like they all suck.
    My step-daughters didn't call Mr. X on Father's Day. It was really lame. They have either been here or called every year, but now out of the blue she conveniently keeps them extra busy and away from a phone. It's so lame.

  6. I'll keep YOU in my prayers as well Jon.

  7. I just found this blog, and I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers also. Good luck with everything, and always depend on the Lord.

    Remember that no matter what happens, with every bad thing, the Lord is making you stronger. :) Just never forget that He wants you to be happy.

    I would donate, but I really don't have anything to give. I'm sorry about that. But I really hope everything works out for you and your family.

  8. Thank you Beth. Prayers are perfect.
